Apocalypse Now opening
Cinematography ( use of camera angle, movement and framing ,lighting and colour ) Editing ( transitions, order of shots and sequences, layering of images) Mise-en-scene ( setting ,key props/objects , costume etc.) Sound ( music, sound effects and spoken word) Performance ( body language, posture, gesture, tone, emotional impact etc.) The opening scene of AN opens a very complex and metaphorical introduction to the main character Captain Marlow (CM) played by Martin Sheen. We are instantly captured by the still frame of tropical trees swaying in the distance in complete silence with the beating sound of the helicopter propeller repeating in the background sounding almost extraterrestrial. Yellow thick smoke arrises from the bottom of the frame, maybe almost symbolising how nature was destroyed by human presence as they invaded. The only voice to be herds Jim Morrisons "The End" reflecting the mental state of CM himself. The camera...